Where have I been?

***I’ve been feeling all introspective lately… Indie folk music has even made an appearance (thank you, Ingrid Michaelson station on Pandora).  This post is just another extension of that.  So, if you only come here for the round-ups and the DIY and the general home decor talk, you might be a bit let down today.  But come back tomorrow — it’ll be all DIY and crafty-ness and First Blog-iversary celebrations!!!

Y’all…  Y’ALL….. Y’all!  I haven’t written a new blog post in OVER A MONTH.

And believe me, I didn’t forget about this thing…  but life has… gotten in the way.  Fortunately, in this case, it was a good kind of getting in the way (unlike this time where I didn’t post for two weeks when life got in the way).  In that last month, a crazy-lot has happened and rather than plow on through and resume blogging as before, I thought I’d share a few updates…

I mentioned the possibility of it a couple of weeks ago in this post, but I finally hunkered down, bit the bullet, and did other proverbial phrases for just gettin’ the heck on with it… and got myself a restaurant job.


Like I mentioned before (again, this post), I have had a lovely, lucrative, semi-rewarding, only two-days-a-week teaching job that, in theory, was going to be a gateway to lots of availability for auditions, callbacks, and other dream chasing.  In reality, it turned out that most auditions and callbacks that I got just happened to fall on… you guessed it… those two darn days when I had classes.  Seriously.   And I can’t exactly get a sub (and not make money) whenever I have an audition that I’d like to go to.

This meant getting a restaurant job, or a “big girl NYC actor job,” as I call it.  And while I’ll still teach, if I do need a sub here and there… ain’t not thang.  I can just pick up a shift at work.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy.  Well, pretty close.

While I can’t tell you exactly what restaurant I work at (we have some rule about not discussing it via social media), I can tell you that it’s a national seafood chain modeled after a very popular (and good) movie.  Yeah, you’ve probably got some good guesses.

One of the most interesting parts of this job is the fact that this particular restaurant is located in the heart of Times Square.  Like, you know on TV where the ball drops every New Year’s?  Like right there.  

And while I’ve known this area from a tourist perspective, I haven’t quite gotten familiar enough with it to feel like one of those disgruntled New Yorkers who gets easily annoyed with the rubber-necking and map consulting tourists…

Until now.

But I try reeeaaalllly hard to be patient.  After all, it is Times Square.  You know, crossroads of the commercial world and stuff like that.

In other news, my husband got a job at a same restaurant as a server.  Now that’s the American dream, y’all!!!   (OK, not quite.  But that is pretty cute, right?  Us, working at the same restaurant?  Yeah?)

However, it’s not quite as mushy as it sounds because it is a fast-paced, super high volume restaurant, so there’s not exactly downtime for canoodling.  While on the clock, it’s more of a Victorian romance complete with eye contact across the room or a brief hand press.  Hot, right?

In other other news, remember that show I auditioned for where I broke one of a pair of my favorite shoes?



And remember how I told you I got cast in said show?

Well, the show was a success!  It was very well received, especially considering that it was a workshop of a new work.  In fact, it might — fingers crossed — even have a future…  But only time will tell as far as that goes.  (Maybe an update in the spring?)  I’ll keep you posted, blog friends.  In the meantime, I’ll continue the everyday shrimp slingin’ and auditionin’ and hope for the best!

And in yet other news…

… My dogs are still better than yours.

Haha.  Just kidding.

(Or am I?)

You decide:

They’re pretty remarkable, if I do say so myself.

Check back tomorrow — It’s a First Blogiversary Special!

One thought on “Where have I been?

  1. Pingback: Operation Do-as-Much-as-We-Possibly-Can-in-One-Day (Charleston Vacation, Part 2) | The Ginger Penny Pincher

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