Things that (P)inspire Me: Upcycled Suitcase Furniture

(Sorry for the two day absence — I’ve been on vacation visiting family in the ATL, and the general sense of warm fuzziness and good times distracted me.  However, as you are reading this, it is likely that most lingering feelings of  warm fuzziness have dissolved, as Josh and I are driving back to NYC — that’s 15 HOURS of interstate, y’all.  The one thing I do have to look forward to, aside from the dazzling company of my tall companion, is Bluegrass Junction on XM  radio… because it. is. the. JAM.  Yes!)

This Friday’s round-up features something that I first saw a little over a year ago while browsing around the ol’ Interwebz: Upcycled Suitcase Furniture.  I’ve always loved using suitcases as furniture or as a unique form of storage. Growing up in my parents’ house, my mom always had a stack of vintage suitcases that functioned both as storage and as an end table.  Carrying over that same idea, I’ve used a vintage suitcase both as a conversation piece and as a storage space for a couple of years:


However, this round-up takes it to the next level.  These artisans have crafted everything from suitcase chairs to suitcase dog beds.  Per usual, you can click on the pic below to go the original source (the websites are listed in the captions as well). Enjoy!

suitcase dog bed

Suitcase dog bed {Source: Houzz}

suitcase credenza

Stacked suitcase credenza {Source: Waterfront Hotel via Apartment Therapy}

suitcase chair

Suitcase chair {Source: Recreate}

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Suitcase cat bed {Source: Vintage Renaissance Etsy shop via Recyclart}

Suitcase dresser {Source: James Plumb via Modern Home Today}

suitcase end tables

Suitcase end tables {Source: Salvage Shack Etsy shop}

suitcase chair, katie thomspon, recycled suitcases, recycled materials, upcycled materias, samsonite suitcases, green chairs, recycled chairs, recycled seating design, diy

Suitcase chair {Source: Katie Thompson via Inhabitat}

Suitcase chair {Source: Recreate via homedit}

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Suitcase chair {Source: Recreate via Kaboodle}

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Suitcase furniture {Source: Eco Friend}

Grab a button if you were featured in this week’s round-up!

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